Cancellation policy

Tour Cancellation Policy

Cancellation policy by customer

If for any reason you choose to cancel your confirmed booking, Expedition Tour will refund you the corresponding amount in accordance with the applicable cancellation policy. Therefore, please note that in some cases a cancellation fee will be charged if you cancel your confirmed booking. For more details on cancellation terms, fees and procedures, please see Expedition Tour cancellation policy set out on this page.

Expedition Tour charges different cancellation fees depending on your order option and status (if the product has already been reserved for a specific date or not).

Cancellation of a product reserved for a specific date:

A product has been booked and reserved by the customer for a specific date, including:

Cancellation of a product that was reserved for a specific date during the initial order process

Cancellation fees apply according to the following table:

CancellationCharged as a % of the order amount for the activity
30 days before the date of the activity5%
15-30 days before the date of the activity20%
7-14 days before the date of the activity35%
3-6 days before the date of the activity50%
Less than 2 days before the date of the activity100%

Cancellation ———————————- Calculated as a % of the order amount for the product

60 to 40 days before the date of the product —————— 15%

39 to 30 days before the date of the product ————-30%

29 to 15 days before the date of the product —————–50%

14 to 7 days before the date of the product —————–75%

Less than 7 days of the product ———— 100 %

Please note:

The cancellation will only take effect if it is received by email at Expedition Tour:

These cancellation fees are calculated as a percentage of the total order amount for the product that the customer wants to cancel.

The date on which we receive the customer’s written cancellation notification is the date on which we charge the corresponding cancellation fee.

If the cancellation fee is given as a percentage, it will be calculated based on the total amount to be paid by the person (s) for the cancelled product