Health Hygiene Policy Safe Travels Mauritius

Safe Travels Mauritius


The World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) has designed the Safe Travel Stamp. To bring back confidence in the travel industry following the COVID-19 outbreak.

Expedition Tour has obtained and introduced the WTTC safety and hygiene travel standards. These correspond to the health and hygiene global quality protocols.

Expedition Tour ensures its customers a “Safe travels” experience while traveling Mauritius.

The WTTC global protocols are necessary to provide continuity and security to travellers. On the Island of Mauritius, the health and safety of the citizens and the visitors are uppermost.

It goes without saying that we, as participants in the tourism industry, are interested in the

Expedition Tour represents in the tourism industry for many years. We assume the WTTC protocols will represent a milestone in Mauritius’ tourism recovery.

Expedition Tour is participating in the “New Normal” Protocols for Mauritius travel industry. By doing so, we ensure the tourists’ health, security, and safety when they are in Mauritius.

We trust in the core of the tourism business and its recovery from the COVID-19 crisis.

To assure our customer’s wellbeing and health we have set a 4-step health and hygiene policy.

  1. Travelling Safely
  2. Distancing Protocol
  3. Cleanliness and Disinfection Protocol
  4. Wearing Masks

Travelling Safely

Assurance of high quality for accommodations, venues and suppliers. We guarantee that our travel partners meet the local and global safety standards. Particularly in light of the WTTC, WHO, and MTA hygiene protocols.

Our team is always up to date, and continue to adjust to the changing regulations from the Mauritius health authorities and local government. The changes are made behind the scenes so you are able to enjoy your trip freely.

Guests will complete a travel declaration before joining their trip. If a guest has tested positive for COVID-19 (or is travelling with someone who has), they will not be able to join the trip until cleared as ‘fit for travel’ by a medical professional.

Our guest support team is supporting on-call 24/7.

Distancing Protocol

In our vehicles, minibuses and coaches we keeping empty seats to allow physical distance to each other traveller. We provide guided trips in small groups in order to maintain social distancing.

Our professional team has been trained in enhanced hygiene and distancing standards, will monitor compliance and guest wellbeing.

Cleanliness and Disinfection Protocol

All our vehicles and coaches are in clean and safe conditions. The team takes attentive care for cleanliness and hygiene. Frequently touched surfaces will be disinfected throughout each trip. Hand sanitiser is accessible freely.

Wearing Masks

Guests have to bring their own face masks. However, in the case of an emergency, masks and gloves will be distributed. The mask must be worn strictly during the whole trip.

Our team follow rigorous health and safety procedures. Expedition Tour staff wear masks at all times and additional personal protective equipment as required.

Expedition Tour seriously takes your health and well-being first. Everybody involved in running your vacation trip the guide, the driver, baggage handlers and others behind the scenes observe a strict, round-the-clock health and safety regimen. We partner with operators who have introduced and follow to work on health and safety protocols. In order to remain healthy in this new normal, we have all to take additional measures. Make sure when you going on your trip take all necessary items like hand sanitisers, mask and other things you require with you. Following physical distancing and hygiene practices during your trip is strictly advised. Its mutual help that will keep us stay safe and healthy.